DNI!! Basic dni criteria; nsfw accs, pr0shippers, sh0tacons, l0licons, zi0nists, zoos, those ranfren fans, etc etcBYF!! i can be mean (jokingly), i can get angry/overwhelmed/jealous easily, typos, cursing, i yap a lot, have very shitty internet, socially awkward, apologizes a lot, may vent/rant unexpectedly, etc etc

LIKES!! vocal synths, ranfren, nyan neko sugar girls, bandori, nu-metal, alternative rock, and k-pop, drawing, cats, cleaning figures, dancing, etc etc

DISLIKES!! Mentions of death and doomsday, being left out, loneliness, dark humor, boredom, etc etc

OTHER!! my dream is to become a vocal synth producer, im still deciding what kind of music to do.. Either doing metal or edm LOL. I'm also a beginner artist :DDSOCALS!! linktree pronouns